
Kenneth R. Rosen
kennethrrosen@proton.me | +1 413 429 6353 | +39 388 097 8647


The New York Times

Proofing Assistant (Europe) | 2024 – Current

Multi-department editor-in-training, based between Central Europe and New York HQ, working across article mediums and desks to ensure timely proofing and fact-checking of articles after publication to nytimes.com.

Simon & Schuster
Author | 2023 – Current

Contract writer and nonfiction author for Simon & Schuster’s flagship imprint. Represented by Keith Urbahn and Matt Carlini at Javelin.

Independent Journalist, Writer
Various Outlets | 2017 – Current

Contributing Writer, WIRED; Columnist, Pacific Standard Magazine’s “Land of Metamorphosis,” Columnist, Inkstick’s “A Changing Continent”; Middle East fellow at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy preparing reports and briefings for the U.S. State Department; freelance contributions in print and on the web as a correspondent based in Central Europe to The Washington Post, The New York Times, The New Yorker, The Atlantic, Politico Magazine, and the Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, among others. Wrote from more than two dozen countries and was translated into several languages for foreign magazines.

Coda Story
Contributing Editor (Italy) | 2022 – 23

Wrote and directed coverage for the “Fallout” series, tracking the global impact of the war in Ukraine on communities near and far. Wrote feature stories and a weekly newsletter with 5,000+ subscribers.

Senior Editor and Correspondent (Italy) | 2020 – 21

Oversaw weekend coverage for the magazine’s website. Selected web pieces and edited a team of four journalists who regularly appeared in the domestic magazine print edition. Shaped coverage of breaking news. Wrote headlines, decks, and feature length articles that regularly appeared both online and in print.

The New York Times
Senior News Assistant (New York) | 2017 – 20
News Assistant (New York) | 2014 – 16
General assignment stringer (New York) | 2014 – 20

Met challenging demands and deadlines as a rotating staff editor on the homepage, mobile app, Real Estate section and Neediest Cases campaigns, producing, writing, and editing web summaries, headlines, and news articles. Line-edited articles as required. Wrote breaking news stories for Web and print editions, with appearances on the Homepage and A1. Contributed feature and enterprise and breaking news stories to National, Metro, Travel, Sports, N.Y. Today, Sunday Metropolitan and rewrite. Covered cops and courts while stringing for the paper (NYPD press pass holder). Received the Deadliner Award for breaking news reporting in August 2015, and a Publisher’s Award for general excellence, among others. Produced, compiled, edited, and wrote for nytimes.com a series of newsletters which were sent to 3 million subscribers daily, cumulatively, while directing News Alerts to millions of subscribers. Crafted headlines and summary boxes for the homepage and various section fronts. Proofread and fact checked articles and modules, and published to nytimes.com. Collaborated with editors on presentations, packages, and news features for display on the homepage. Performed various tasks as assigned by newsroom support staff. Answered phones, tracked down reporters and stringers, monitored emails, wrote summaries for A2 and designed the page.

The Associated Press (AP)
Elections Stringer (New York) | 2013
Elections Stringer (Georgia) | 2012

Reported poll numbers during local elections to be distributed nationally (Savannah). Operated phones and entered polling data for the 2012 Presidential Election at the Associated Press headquarters (Manhattan).

The Juneau Empire
General Assignment Reporter (Alaska) | 2013

Developed local and state sources while covering the city and education beat for the state capital’s newspaper. Reported and broke stories for the daily edition with many regularly appearing on wire reports in the Anchorage Daily News and Fairbanks Daily News-Miner.

amNewYork Metro
General Assignment Reporter (New York) | 2013

Conducted on-the-ground reporting for the 1 million circulation daily newspaper with reporting appearing in Newsday. Supported the staff of editors and reporters as necessary through contributing reporting.

College Correspondent (New York) 2012 – 13

Wrote and reported collegiate stories covering national trends and issues at institutions across the nation with appearances in the print edition for a six-month fellowship.

Writer and Social Media Manager (New York) | 2012 – 2013

Contributed thoughtful, longform stories about untold people, places and subjects for the site named one of TIMES’s “50 Best Websites of 2013.” Launched and managed social channels – Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, LinkedIn – while contributing editing and writing for the main website.

Editorial Assistant (New York) | 2012

Wrote more than 500 tech and breaking news stories that individually garnered at minimum 135,500 pageviews each day during a six-month fellowship for the digital-culture website while contributing to long-term projects leading up to a site redesign and eBook release. Managed social feeds and engaged in community development operations.

The Savannah Morning News
Intern, Contract General Assignment Reporter (Georgia) | 2010-13

Metro freelancer for Accent and A1 while editing for Web and print editions nightly as an editorial assistant. Reported feature stories and contributed writing to the weekly arts and entertainment supplement, DO.


NORTH WINDS: Two Men, One Boat, and the War Above the 68th Parallel (Simon & Schuster, 2025)

TROUBLED: The Failed Promise of America’s Behavioral Treatment Programs (Little A, 2021)

BULLETPROOF VEST: An Object Lesson (Bloomsbury, 2020)



                        — Winner, Writer of Note (2024)
The Scripps Howard Award for Excellence
                        — Finalist, Opinion Writing (2024)
Kurk Schork Memorial Award
                        — Winner, International Freelancer (2022)
                        — Finalist, International Freelancer (2019)
Richard J. Margolis Award for Nonfiction Writing
                        — Finalist (2021)
Baltic Writing Residency
                        — Finalist, Creative Nonfiction (2021, 2022)
Bayeux-Calvados Award for War Correspondents
                        — Winner, Written Press (2018)
                        — Finalist, Young Reporter (2019)
AWC Clairon Award
— Winner, Online Feature Article (2018)
ASJA COVID-19 Writing Awards
                        — Honorable Mention, Personal Essay (2020)
Livingston Award
                       — Finalist, International Reporting (2020)
                       — Finalist, International Reporting (2018)
Khaled Alkhateb International Memorial Award
                       — Winner, Written Press (2019)
Steven Sotloff Memorial 2Lives Foundation
                       — Security Training Scholarship (2018)
Matthew Power Literary Reporting Award
                       — Finalist (2019)
Deadliner Award
                       — Breaking News, The New York Times (2015)
Best American Essays
                       — Notable Essay Citation (2021)
                       — Notable Essay Citation (2017)
Publisher’s Award
                       — The New York Times (2016)
The Society of Silurians
— Medallion Award, Breaking News Coverage (2015)


Jan Michalski Foundation
Writer-in-Residence (2024)
Associate FellowKing’s College London’s ICSR (2023)
Nonfiction Artist, FellowMassachusetts Cultural Council (2022)
Nonfiction Resident WriterVirginia Center for the Creative Arts (2022)
Alicia Patterson Foundation Journalism FellowshipGrantee (2021)
Executive-in-ResidenceGeneva Centre for Security Policy (2021)
Journalist-in-ResidenceThe Washington Institute for Near East Policy (2020-21)
Pulitzer Center on Crisis ReportingGrantee (Iraq 2017; Italy 2020)
Foreign & Security Policy Transatlantic FellowHeinrich Boll Foundation (2019)
Literary Journalist-in-ResidenceBanff Centre, Canada (2019)
Calderwood Art of Nonfiction Grantee and Fellow MacDowell (2019)
Senior FellowSchuster Institute for Investigative Journalism (2018-19)
Robert Novak Journalism FellowThe Fund for American Studies (2018-19)
John Jay/H.F. Guggenheim Reporting Fellow –  City University of New York (2018)
Berlin Capital Program GranteeThe Fulbright Program (2017)
Visiting Research ScholarSchuster Institute for Investigative Journalism (2017-18)
Logan Nonfiction FellowCarey Institute for Global Good (2017)


Columbia University, M.F.A, Creative Nonfiction (2015, 15+ credits toward degree)

Elected editor of the Columbia Journal, a literary and arts journal.

Savannah College of Art and Design, B.F.A., Writing (2014)
Editor-in-Chief, District, the online editorially-independent student operated and Pacemaker Award-winning student news website. Oversaw a staff of ~20 producing digital and print content 24/7, covering issues ranging from campus-wide protests to local municipal government decisions. Won more than 15 independent awards through College Media Advisers and the Society for Professional Journalists. Launched, shepherded, and promoted the launch of the college’s first literary review, “Port City Review,” a quarterly ~100 page arts and literature journal.

New York University, Hyperlocal Summer Newsroom Academy (2011)



  • Scuola Holden (Turin, Italy) | Instructor
  • Report for America | Mentor
  • Catapult | Writing Program, eLearning
  • Skillshare | eLearning
  • Associate Lecturer | University of Massachusetts Boston
  • Writers in Progress Workshop | Florence, Massachusetts
  • College Media Advisers conferences | New York City, Atlanta
  • Fountain House College Re-Entry | New York City
  • Annual ACP/CMA National College Media Conventions (90th-92nd)
  • Southern Regional Press Institute Conference


  • Coalition for Women in Journalism
  • Overseas Press Club of America
  • Society for Professional Journalists
  • Investigative Reporters & Editors
  • Frontline Freelance Register (Club)
  • PEN America
  • Forbidden Stories Network
  • SecureDrop Operator and Host


  • Italian | Limited Working Proficiency (Spoken, Written), Certified CEFR A2
  • United States Institute for Peace, Media & Arts for Peace, Graduate Certificate (2021)
  • NOLS | Wilderness Medicine Wilderness First Responder (USCG certified), Adult, Child and Infant CPR & Airway Management certified, Epinephrine Auto-injector certified
  • TSA | Transportation Workers Identification Card (TWIC, issued 2023)
  • United States Coast Guard | Merchant Mariner Credentials (issued 2023)
  • Tor Project | Exit Node and Bridge Operator
  • Signal | Proxy Server Operator, Donor
  • QubesOS | Community Contributor, Donor
  • CompTIA | IT Fundamental (ITF+) Certification
  • Linux Professional Institute | Linux Essentials Certification